What's your EI (Experiential Investment)? Mine is dancing :D

March 2017 (Source: Google) I didn't realize how much I was propounding experiential spending theories (left, right and center it turns out) until one of my colleagues asked me the other day, "So what is the new experience you have been investing time on recently?". And my answer was 'dancing :D'. This is not the first time that I have enthusiastically undertaken such endeavors - during school I learnt Kuchipudi , and while in Chennai and Hyderabad, I attended courses in hip hop . Albeit this time around, I was keen on pursing a structured training routine, and hence enrolled in a Kathak dance academy. As I had already learnt a different classical form, I was asked to attend classes for an initial period of three months - the reason being that learning and unlearning a classical dance form can be quite difficult as the years progress. I acquiesced, but to be honest I couldn't envisage how something I had learnt 20 years ago could be a road...