Millennial dinosaurs - Relationship goals ;)
November 2017
(Source: Google)
The first time I read about relationship goals, my instant neuron parallel connection was its eerie similarity with project management - defining milestones, working together to achieve them and voila, mission accomplished! Jokes apart, relationship goals can never be generic or standardized, but as each year passes by, its amazing how life evolves and what we discover about oneself. So that got me thinking about the relationship goal posts for millennial dinosaurs - millennials on account of being born in the early 1980's but also termed dinosaurs on account of a host of reasons, including a) never seen an episode of GoT (gotcha.. Game of Thrones) b) not having an instagram account in this era of finstas (fake instagram accoounts) and rinstas (real instagram accounts, distinct and separate from finstas I am told).
Though its not a yearly list, here's our list of the top relationship goals achieved in 2017:
1. Finding balance - even when shifting house for the 3rd time in two years :P
2. Its all about money, honey... naah :P
In continuation of the experiential spending theme, jobs fill your pocket but adventures indeed fill your soul. And the adventure started just before the trip to Bali, with the highest level 4 alert issued for Mount Agung imminent eruption in Bali. Though not life threatening, it did make us extra cautious about travel plans. Once in Indonesia we realized that we wouldn't have missed this for anything.. mesmerizing locales, blue beaches and chilling.. much deserved break!!!
3. Attending Comic con together :)
Attending an all out geek convention (as portrayed in Big Bang Theory) for the first time was lots of fun. Goes without saying, the super fan cape was the best part!

4. Living with AI ... steep learning curve ahead ;)
Though its not a yearly list, here's our list of the top relationship goals achieved in 2017:
1. Finding balance - even when shifting house for the 3rd time in two years :P
(Source: Google)
2. Its all about money, honey... naah :P
In continuation of the experiential spending theme, jobs fill your pocket but adventures indeed fill your soul. And the adventure started just before the trip to Bali, with the highest level 4 alert issued for Mount Agung imminent eruption in Bali. Though not life threatening, it did make us extra cautious about travel plans. Once in Indonesia we realized that we wouldn't have missed this for anything.. mesmerizing locales, blue beaches and chilling.. much deserved break!!!
(Source: Google)
3. Attending Comic con together :)
Attending an all out geek convention (as portrayed in Big Bang Theory) for the first time was lots of fun. Goes without saying, the super fan cape was the best part!

4. Living with AI ... steep learning curve ahead ;)
Having Alexa in our life is like a new addition in the family, either one of us is constantly talking to her (or should I say it?!!). Though a little unnerving at first, it does grow on you and its ability to adapt never ceases to amaze me ... and scare me as well!
(Source: Google)
5. Move over Avengers - here comes the Justice League ;)
I know this is totally unexpected. I have always been a huge Avengers fan while he has always sworn by Justice League. As I started getting initiated into the DC journey after watching Wonder woman, what can I say, move over Avengers, here comes the Justice League!
I know this is totally unexpected. I have always been a huge Avengers fan while he has always sworn by Justice League. As I started getting initiated into the DC journey after watching Wonder woman, what can I say, move over Avengers, here comes the Justice League!
(Source: Google)
So what are your relationship goals?
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