Book review - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

October 2018 I recently elected to read ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ as part of a self-study program. At the outset, I would like to answer the first question that is possibly on everyone’s mind, “Why choose a book that’s originally published in 1989?” Even today, this book remains one of the best-selling nonfiction business & self-help books in history, a testament to the fact that these habits & principles are valid irrespective of the time elapsed since publication. In addition, like most people I know, I am aware of key insights from this book through management literature & workshops. Hence, I thought this would be the best opportunity to read the book and understand the concepts in detail. Potential second question, “In this digital era of Google Talli (mother in Telugu), how useful is a book review when all information is available at the click of a button or by saying ‘ Ok Alexa/ Ok Google’ ;)”? Here I would like to mention that more than a ...