Freedom to Operate

October 2016

(Source: Google)

All of us have pet phrases - phrases that captivate us so much that we end up using them innumerable times across myriad occasions. One such favorite phrase of mine is 'Freedom to Operate'. Freedom to Operate, abbreviated FTO, is a term in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - simply put, FTO is determining whether a particular action, such as testing or commercialising a product, can be done without infringing valid intellectual property rights of others. Under the guise of poetic license, I like using this phrase (or rather stretching its usage), in the larger canvas of life. My sole yardstick for measuring all life choices, personal as well as professional, is an affirmative response to the question "If I decide to travel on this path, will I still retain my Freedom to Operate - the freedom to explore my potential in the Learning Zone without compromising on the values I stand for"? Presenting my first free verse poem titled "Freedom to Operate":

At every stage of my life,
Life looks at me squarely in the eye,
And with an inquisitive smile presents me with two options, 
One in my comfort zone and the other in my learning zone.

(Source:  Google)

The choice within my comfort zone is risk free and offers certainty in outcomes,
Its the path that everyone urges me to consider,
But every single time, I find myself turning away from this choice,
And going towards unchartered territories that lead me away from my comfort zone.

(Source:  Google)

The road less travelled offers the exhilarating opportunity to pursue my dreams,
To explore my potential, and to achieve the pinnacle of success,
However this path is replete with things I fear,
Things I have never done before, things I might not be good at.

(Source: Google)

I approach this path with slow thoughtful steps,
Wondering why I always choose these difficult to navigate routes,
I play the devil's advocate by asking myself tough questions,
And also remind myself that over stretching can place me in the panic zone. 

(Source: Google)

I stand at the crossroads, close my eyes and take a deep breath, 
And as I take the leap of faith to the fascinating land of dreams, 
I vividly see myself embracing the unknown without compromising on my values,
And I picture Life smiling benovolently at my belief that 'Freedom to Operate does make magic happen!'

(Source: Author's photo)

PS: References to comfort and learning zones are based on the comfort - learning - panic zones theory.


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