Millennial dinosaurs - Relationship goals ;)

November 2017 (Source: Google) The first time I read about relationship goals, my instant neuron parallel connection was its eerie similarity with project management - defining milestones, working together to achieve them and voila, mission accomplished! Jokes apart, relationship goals can never be generic or standardized, but as each year passes by, its amazing how life evolves and what we discover about oneself. So that got me thinking about the relationship goal posts for millennial dinosaurs - millennials on account of being born in the early 1980's but also termed dinosaurs on account of a host of reasons, including a) never seen an episode of GoT (gotcha.. Game of Thrones) b) not having an instagram account in this era of finstas (fake instagram accoounts) and rinstas (real instagram accounts, distinct and separate from finstas I am told). Though its not a yearly list, here's our list of the top relationship goals achieved in 20...