
Showing posts from 2017

Millennial dinosaurs - Relationship goals ;)

November 2017 (Source: Google)  The first time I read about relationship goals, my instant neuron parallel connection was its eerie similarity with project management - defining milestones, working together to achieve them and voila, mission accomplished! Jokes apart, relationship goals can never be generic or standardized, but as each year passes by, its amazing how life evolves and what we discover about oneself.   So that got me thinking about the relationship goal posts for millennial dinosaurs - millennials on account of being born in the early 1980's but also termed dinosaurs on account of a host of reasons, including a) never seen an episode of GoT (gotcha.. Game of Thrones) b) not having an instagram account in this era of  finstas (fake instagram accoounts) and rinstas  (real instagram accounts, distinct and separate from finstas I am told).   Though its not a yearly list, here's our list of the top relationship goals achieved in 20...

Quest for semblance of sanity - all in a day's work!

April 2017 (Source: Google) 6.30 a.m: As surprising as it sounds, aamchi Mumbai has finally accomplished what apna Hyderbad wasn't able to - am ready to take on the world by waking up at 6.30 in the morning ;). Never in my life did I stir a second before 7.30 a.m and here my maid comes at 7 a.m, so there you go -- power of Mum'bai' :P 6.40 a.m: I have become the poster girl for healthy food (yes, a far cry from the fried food and chocolates staple diet ;). I have protein for lunch every day - simply put, dal  (love the different types of dal  I get to experiment with). I put the dal in the pressure cooker and sit down to enjoy my cuppa coffee and contemplate on the road to inner peace. Its the last day of a hectic month and I am looking forward to the journey home. (Source: Google) 6.50 a.m: But as usual, the quest for sanity is a bumpy ride - my musings are cut short by the whistle of the pressure cooker acting like a spray jet. Having a pr...

What's your EI (Experiential Investment)? Mine is dancing :D

March 2017 (Source: Google) I didn't realize how much I was propounding experiential spending theories (left, right and center it turns out) until one of my colleagues asked me the other day, "So what is the new experience you have been investing time on recently?". And my answer was 'dancing :D'. This is not the first time that I have enthusiastically undertaken such endeavors - during school I learnt Kuchipudi , and while in Chennai and Hyderabad, I attended courses in hip hop . Albeit this time around, I was keen on pursing a structured training routine, and hence enrolled in a Kathak dance academy.  As I had already learnt a different classical form, I was asked to attend classes for an initial period of three months -  the reason being that learning and unlearning a classical dance form can be quite difficult as the years progress. I acquiesced, but to be honest I couldn't envisage how something I had learnt 20 years ago could be a road...