Trials and tribulations - of marriage, by marriage, for marriage ;)

July 2016

(Source: All images are from Google)

Over the past few days, I have been inundated with calls and messages about how people have identified with part or parts of my recent short story. And now I begin to understand the quotes by my favorite author Agatha Christie in her Miss Marple series "Everybody is very much alike, really. But fortunately, perhaps, they don't realize it. Human nature, is much the same everywhere". Either in my immaturity or hubris that I was unique, I didn't quite grasp the profound truth in these statements.

When I mean human nature is similar, I am not talking about generalizing or stereotyping; the problem with such prejudice is that it results in unfair treatment of individuals. For instance, when I casually mentioned to an acquaintance the other day that I did not change my surname after marriage (keeping aside the feminist aspect, the practical difficulties of having one's name changed on every document from PAN to passport is unimaginable). Her next question "Is your marriage an arranged marriage or a love marriage', reeked of bias of trying to link my marital freedom with my mode of marriage, according to her preconceived notions of arranged vs love marriage. On the other hand, I love sharing similar experiences with other people, because I believe in the power of communicating, healing and nurturing. Often we go through life getting worked up about trivial issues, when all it takes is taking a step back and sharing a laugh about it.

While figuring out the ins and outs of living together, somewhere along the line I must have replaced one of the seven vows, most probably the one wherein I asked him to take me on all pilgrimages (he is an atheist who doesn't believe in 'Temple Run":P), with one which makes me follow his trail all around the house in tidying up our comfortable nest. So here is my 'Top 10 list - trials and tribulations of marriage, by marriage, and for marriage' that we have shared a laugh about.

1. A gadget freak's wedding vow:

2. I asked the most important question the first time we met "Are you an early riser? Great - so you can make coffee first thing in the morning ;)". Give me coffee and no one gets hurt is my mantra ;)


3. He calls me "house-proud" :D

4. But he does the most important work - takes out the trash :)

5. When a song is stuck in my head and I play it over and over again, and don't allow him to change it ;)

6. When we go shopping together :P

7. Fascination for all things Batman ;)

8. When we cook together :P

9. Blanket problem...naaah..we have never faced it :P


10. I never said he snores, I would only like to measure it on Richter scale :P

Let me know which one you love best or even better, what you would like to add to the list :D


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